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The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin

Welcome To CILWW



The Center for Independent Living is part of a network of Wisconsin Independent Living Centers that are non-residential, private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organizations providing services and advocacy by and for persons with all types of disabilities. Their goal is to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential within their families and communities.



Our Mission

Our Mission is to advocate for and with persons with a disability to exercise their right to full participation in society.


Links to disability resources and contact information for western & greater Wisconsin areas.

Contact CILWW

If you have questions about our services and programs, or need more information for yourself or a family member, please contact us today!

Who Are We?

CILWW is a community-based, non-residential,
private non-profit agency that is staffed and
governed by people with disabilities.

Become a Volunteer

CILWW is currently seeking volunteers for our Fishing Has No Boundaries program, volunteer drivers for our Transportation program, as well as other opportunities.


The latest news from CILWW:

Eating Made Easier

The assistive technology article today is about the plate guard from Sammons Preston (though they come from a variety of vendors). A plate guard can attach to a standard dinner plates and can be plastic or metal. This gives you an additional ridge to help with eating...

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Automatic Card Shuffler

The assistive technology article for today is on automatic card shufflers. There are several options available out there, but today will highlight the automatic card shuffler from Sammons Preston. This product makes card shuffling easy and mixes two complete decks at...

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CILWW Independent Living Partners

To ensure the quality of the services CILWW provides we rely on our trusted partners.