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The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin

CILWW Board Committees

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President (Chair of Executive Committee), Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.

The Executive Committee is empowered to:
a. Act for the Board on emergency or routine matters in the interim between Board meetings.
b. Directly hires, supervises, evaluates and dismisses the Executive Director.
c. Ensure continuance of day-to-day operation of Center in absence of Executive Director.


a. Develops, review and monitors the Center’s personnel policy.
b. Recruits, identifies, interviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors perspective Board members.
c. Prepares nomination list of prospective officers for December meetings each year.
d. Recommends to the Board the amount and type of annual staff pay raises.


a. Monitors, reviews, and reports to the Board data on consumer services
b. Monitors and reports to the board progress of the Center’s strategic plan
c. Investigate grants, business ventures, fee-for-services and other revenue sources and makes recommendations for such to the Board
d. Program development


a. Develop and monitors the annual budget for the Corporation
b. Approves grant and contract budgets and modifications
c. Recommends to the Board staff benefits packages (i.e. insurance, retirement, plans etc.)
d. Reviews monthly budget reports and recommends approval to the Board
e. Provides the Board with an annual financial report.


a. Develops a plan for meeting building maintenance costs
b. Reviews monthly building updates (repairs, utilities, fire inspections, problems)
c. Develops on-going plans (for expansion, furnishings,
d. Responds to space needs of the building (remodeling)

Consumer Development Fund

Reviews and approves applications for funding.


CILWW Committee and meeting time preference

Are you willing to be on a second committee?

Preferred Meeting Times:

5 + 9 =