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The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin

Pocketalker Ultra

September Assistive Technology Article Today’s article will be talking about the Pocketalker Ultra from Williams Sound – which amplifies sound clearly and easily for better understanding. A person can use it in a variety of ways including one on one conversations,...

Magnifying Medications

Today’s article will be talking about the magnifying tablet splitter from Ezy-Dose. These specific items allow you to see the tablet and cut it precisely in half, and it magnifies the tablet two times. The item is used for medium-sized pills, ideally. For more...

The Key to Keys!

For people with numbness in their hands or limited wrist strength and limited dexterity, there is a new “key” to unlocking locks. This item, called the Key Turner 2, can hold up to two keys and allow a person to have a larger surface to unlock different locks. It has...

Eating Made Easier

The assistive technology article today is about the plate guard from Sammons Preston (though they come from a variety of vendors). A plate guard can attach to a standard dinner plates and can be plastic or metal. This gives you an additional ridge to help with eating...

Automatic Card Shuffler

The assistive technology article for today is on automatic card shufflers. There are several options available out there, but today will highlight the automatic card shuffler from Sammons Preston. This product makes card shuffling easy and mixes two complete decks at...