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The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin

Transparency in Coverage Final Rules

Transparency in Coverage Final Rules (“TiC Final Rules”) require, among other things, non-grandfathered group health plans and health insurance issuers offering health insurance in the individual and group markets to make available to the public (including...

Peer Groups

Printable Peer Partnership Flyer   Looking to make a new friend? Especially someone who understands your life experiences? Join the Peer Partner Program today! First, you complete an application. Then, we do our best to match you with someone else in the program...

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Printable EDS Flyer Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) affects connective tissues in the body and causes hypermobility.  Aside from that, there are many other disorders and implications connected to EDS.  This condition is often overlooked and misunderstood by the medical...