Ideal for people with some degree of hearing loss, the Captioned Telephone, or CapTel, works like any other telephone with one important addition:
It displays every word the caller says throughout the conversation. CapTel phone users can listen to the caller, and can read the written captions in the CapTel’s bright display window.
There are a variety of captioning options available for landline phones and for cellular devices as well, ensuring that everyone can fully participate in telecommunication.
If you want to learn more about captioning options for telecommunication, please feel free to reach out to Jenesis Lindbo, Independent Living Specialist with Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin by emailing or by calling 715. 233.1070 extension 222.
There are various services available through the assistive technology program at C.I.L.W.W. as a part of the WisTech Assistive Technology Program. Our agency can provide information on WisTech’s alternative financing options (WisLoan, Telework, and TEPP) per request.