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The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin

With the Governor’s safer at home order no longer active, CILWW will continue to keep our offices closed to the public until further notice. Staff will be providing services to be best of our ability both virtually by computer, remotely by phone contact, and contactless as appropriate, but will not be having face to face visits with consumers or providers until further notice.
Staff will continue to provide Assistive Technology, Home Modification, and Vehicle Modification assessments in the safest way possible. If assessment can be done virtually, remotely or with staff not having to enter the consumers home, we will do our best to provide these services. However, if it is determined that an assessment cannot be completed in a safe manner, they will have to be postponed until they can be completed safely. Referrals will be handle on a case by case basis to determine if they can be complete without putting consumers or CILWW staff at risk.
Please send all referrals to the Independent Living Program Coordinator, Amanda Miller at amandam@cilww.com.

You can reach out with questions on services by calling our main number at 715-233-1070. Staff will be responding to phone calls and providing services internally and remotely including Independent Living, Transportation, and Personal Assistant Services.

Thank you again for your patience in these unprecedented times as we do our best to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 along with all our other community partners, and still provide services to the best extent possible.


Tim Sheehan
Executive Director