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The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin

Welcoming Warmth: The Word on Fidget Blankets!

As the weather turns cold, more people will be staying inside. As this happens, having something to keep you warm is essential. Fidget blankets are something that can be made and can provide hours of stimulation. They can calm and reduce anxiety in the enjoyer. It can...

Magnifying made EZ!

  The Carson ezRead Electronic Reading Aid has the capability of plugging into your television to create an electronic magnifier of sorts. Magnify books, magazines, prescription bottles with ease. It uses a video cable and the larger your television screen is,...

Turn it Up!

With medical office closures recently, hearing aids haven’t been able to be repaired as quickly. However, there is a device that can be paired to a smartphone using Bluetooth ®. It is called the HearAll Cell Phone Amplifier, and it amplifies up to 40 decibels with...

Smile Bright, Walk Upright!

I wanted to take the time to briefly speak about an item that we are utilizing for demonstration only, and that is the UPWalker.The UPWalker has adjustable handles that allow users to stand upright with improved posture, feel safer and stable whilst walking, and...