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The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin

You may be wondering if you or a family member’s benefits can be effected by the stimulus check issued by the government for COVID-19?
According to the SSA website, “Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.” Representative payees, if you have one, are not required to account for the economic impact payment for their annual accounting forms.
The stimulus check is not taxable. For SSI the stimulus money won’t count as a resource (asset) unless you still have all or part of it 12 months after receiving it.
In order to get your stimulus check, you will generally receive the automatic payment the same way you receive your monthly disability or pension payment, unless you used the non-filer page. If you use the non-filer page, you will not receive the payment on your direct express card. You will receive it as either a direct deposit or by mail if the bank account information is empty.


Websites to refer to with more information: